Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cats n Dogs.

Cats n Dogs....the enemies from ages. Not many people like cats, i always wondered why. Dogs are as they say, Mans' best friend. Why, becouse it alwys eager to please or listen? Just observe a dog, look in its eyes....its always unsure of what to do or what am I. Constantly begging for recognition, just a snap of fingers or "chu-chu" n it jumps as if its life mission is fulfilled.
All the time, looking here n there not minding its own self, dog is the ultimate nagging creature. Never understood why a dog chases a car or bike...what it intends to do if it catches..... just for the heck, it runs behind n don't knw if it really gets a kick out of it. As the joker says in Dark Knight " Its the dog in me who makes me chase things, I do not know what i'll do if i get them".
Cats, wow...most consider them as evil..mostly becoz they are it doen't listen to any one and partly becoz of Egyptian mythology in which cats are the gatekeepers of hell.Cats are cool, not tense or hungry for recognition and are timepass. I still remember my cat-Rocky. One moment it used to run among the flower pots, jump here n there and if you tried to call it, jus a nonchalant look saying "pls don't disturb, am busy". Man, one fine day when i returned from college, it was lying drank paint and my mom took it to vet n all....but it died.
Just see a cat when it is walking, full of grace n no hurry.Its as if a tiger has been shrunk in size.Best part are its nails, they are hidden so nicely and used only when essential. I almost had a cat in symbi hostel, but it did not work out. Well now that am back in H'bad....if u visit my place anytime, be sure to find a nice little kitty running around.


1 comment:

  1. hey I am a cat person myself. Really interesting creatures who dont give a damn about what the world is doing. No compulsion to serve but only to enjoy :)
    Maybe its a reflection of what we want our lives to be :D
    Cheers dude :)
