Thursday, June 25, 2009

Purpose of Life....

The Purpose of Life- this question never ceases to trouble me. What are we here for? To study, get a good job, earn money, become old and die. The answer to this question is something i keep looking for. Like Morpheus asks Neo " If you are dreaming and never wake up, how will you know its not real?", the world around is like a myth.People working harder and harder but not finding joy, people speaking without meaning any of things they say.
This reminds me the story of the small town railway station master who once asks a Sadhu "What should i do to find the purpose of life". Sadhu tells him " Speak the truth, only the truth and do not be selfish for 6months". The Station Master starts doing it, in 6 months he loses his job as he tells truth about small bribes to superiors, lose his wife-he tells he no longer finds joy with her and loses his whole past life. At the end, he wonders "What is this,I speak the truth and lose everything?" Then on the 1st day of 6th month a post man comes to him with a letter. It says your long lost aunt in England has died and you are the sole heir for her wealth of 10million pounds. He almost gets a heart attack and then says to himself , if a short period of 6month gave me so much riches, what will i get if i live like this my whole life. He leaves the money to his wife and relatives and continues on the path.Wow.....
The pure bliss as kids, after playing football in rain, collecting money in charanas and athanas and having coffee at the cafes, the joy in roaming around on your bike in rain,why do not we get it now or even expect it. The purpose of life, once beautifully told by Mother Theresa is to serve humanity, that is the ultimate purpose. Well, am too lazy and too selfish yet to do that but the joy which it would give would be something ultimate.The happiness which you get by hanging out with friends and spending time is something which, i believe, comes little close to this.

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